If you've ever wondered why your armpits turn green after a spray tan I've found the culprit. It's your deodorant. Or to be more specific, your anti-perspirant. The green color is a reaction between the aluminum in the deoderant and the bronzer from the spray tan. It is only temporary and will wash off with your first shower. To keep this from happening you should always wash your armpits with a washcloth and soap really well prior to getting a tan. Make sure you do not apply deoderant before the spray tan. After the airbrush tan you may dab the armpits with baby powder and a dry sponge and then apply your deodorant 5 minutes later. I have also noticed that Secret deoderant will always turn the armpits green even if applied after a spray tan. Lady Speed stick does not do this. Also make sure you do not have any lotion or oil on your skin prior to the spray tan application.
How To Get a Summer Glow in Winter Months
Living in Miami Beach we are really lucky that most days are above 75 degrees. Since we are a popular destination city, Miami attracts visitors from colder states up North and around the world. In the winter months, your skin tends to be dry, pale and somewhat dull. In order to prepare your skin for a balmy Miami vacation we recommend the following steps.